
Find function

Think you have a spread sheet similar to this. It contains value "100" in several cells.

So today I will teach you how to get the address of those cells from VBA code

First let's define the value we need to search.

Dim s1 As String

Then assign the value we search to that variable.

s1 = "100"

And it is a good practice to use objects where you can. It prevent occurrence of errors. Think you have worksheet call "Report". If you use conventional way you need to refer that sheet by worksheets("Report") at every where you needed to refer it. But if you use worksheet object you can refer it from very short name. So this will give neat look to your coding as well. So I prefer using objects. So use worksheet objects as follows.

Dim WS As Worksheet
Set WS = Worksheets("sheet1")

Then Set the range we need to search.

With WS.Range("A1:T23")

Following line of code will give you the address of each cell having 100 in it.

MsgBox c.Address

Loop will continue until it find a value for c except first value.

Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress

So here is the full code. You can use this wherever you need by changing the sheet names, range and search values accordingly. Also you can pass the search value as a variable.

Dim s1 As String
s1 = "100"
Dim WS As Worksheet
Set WS = Worksheets("sheet1")
With WS.Range("A1:T23")
    Set c = .Find(s1)
    If Not c Is Nothing Then
        firstAddress = c.Address
            MsgBox c.Address
            Set c = .FindNext(c)
        Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress
    End If
End With

With the above code you will get the cell address of cells having "100" to msgboxes.