
DateSerial Function (VBA)

In this post I will explain how to use DateSerial function in VBA. DateSerial function is a quite useful function we can use in VBA. If we input year, month and day this function returns the relevant date.

So we need to input three parameters to the function. All of them are mandatory.

Year - Integer type value which represents the year (ex - 2020)
Month - Integer type value which represents the month (ex - 10)
Day - Integer type value which represents the day (ex - 20)

Below example shows you how you can use this function in VBA

Sub DateSerialExample()

Dim SalesDataDate As Date

Dim iYear As Integer
Dim iMonth As Integer
Dim iDay As Integer

iYear = 1965
iMonth = 10
iDay = 25

SalesDataDate = DateSerial(iYear, iMonth, iDay)

Debug.Print SalesDataDate

End Sub

You will get this result if you run above macro

And if you want to change the format of the date then you can do it like this.

Sub DateSerialExample()

Dim SalesDataDate As Date

Dim iYear As Integer
Dim iMonth As Integer
Dim iDay As Integer

iYear = 1965
iMonth = 10
iDay = 25

SalesDataDate = DateSerial(iYear, iMonth, iDay)

Debug.Print Format(SalesDataDate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")

End Sub

So you will get following result.